Vitamin B12 Deficiency: It Affects More than Metabolism

B12 vitamin foodsVitamin B12 is best known as the metabolism vitamin, but it does a lot more. A deficiency can affect quite a few things including your memory. It is estimated that as many as 15 percent of American adults are deficient in this vitamin. The severity of deficiency varies, but any degree of deficiency will lead to some symptoms, with the more severe symptoms occurring with the most severe of deficiencies.

Am I Deficient?

In the early stages, you may not really notice the symptoms because they are pretty broad. Early symptoms may include:

  • Feeling tired, weak or lightheaded
  • Pale skin
  • Bleeding or bruising easily
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Rapid breathing and heartbeat
  • Sore tongue
  • Weight loss and stomach upset

When this deficiency becomes more severe, you may experience the following:

The severe symptoms are associated with nerve cell damage so you definitely do not want this deficiency to get this far. Once the early symptoms start, it is a good idea to have them checked out. They may not be this deficiency at all, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

To determine if you have the deficiency, your doctor just needs to get a quick blood test. So, this process is quick and easy and while you may feel a prick when the needle is inserted, there really is no discomfort involved. The results tend to come back pretty quickly so that you will not have to sit around wondering if you have this issue.

Correcting this Deficiency

It is important to try and get as many vitamins and minerals as possible from your diet. When you have a well-rounded diet, then deficiencies are less likely. However, if you have certain medical conditions or are vegan or vegetarian, your risk of a vitamin B12 deficiency are a lot higher. When it comes to diet, things like poultry, eggs, milk, fortified cereals and fish can provide good amounts of this critical vitamin. You should be getting 2.4 micrograms each day as an adult and the more you can get through food the better. If you are already deficient, you may need more than a good diet though.

Oral supplements are very common when it comes to this deficiency. These are generally taken once a day with a meal. These also come in a form where they dissolve under your tongue and these are said to have a better absorption rate than swallowed pills. These are also ideal for those that do not care to take pills. Some people will need to get B12 injections. How often you get these is something your doctor will determine based on the severity of your deficiency. If you have a condition that prevents you from absorbing vitamin B12 from food sources, such as pernicious anemia, you will likely need these injections for life to maintain a healthy level of this vitamin.

Folic Acid May Reduce Autism Risk During Pregnancy

reduce autism in pregnancysIf you are planning on getting pregnant, your doctor has likely mentioned that increasing your folic acid intake is important to prevent neural tube defects. New research is showing that this vitamin may also play a role in decreasing the risk of your child being born autistic. The key is to ensure that you are getting adequate folic acid before pregnancy and that you are getting the right amount once you become pregnant.

This study followed 85,176 babies for three to 10 years and looked at how mom’s intake of folic acid impacted whether or not the child ended up on the autism spectrum. The moms looked at were those that started folic acid supplementation four weeks prior to pregnancy all the way through those that did not start taking the supplements until they were eight weeks into their pregnancy.

Once researchers followed up with all of the kids, it was found that 270 kids had been diagnosed with a form of autism. There was a 40 percent reduction in risk in women who started to take folic acid early on in their pregnancy when compared to women who did not take a folic acid supplement at all. There was no reduction in risk found when it comes to PDD-NOS or Asperger syndrome.

Folic acid can be difficult to get in foods, though a lot of foods in the United States do contain it. When a woman is trying to get pregnant or just finds out she is pregnant, it is recommended that she take a supplement of 400 micrograms of folic acid each day.

In a developing fetus, the basic brain structures start to develop 15 to 56 days after a baby is conceived. This is early in the pregnancy, therefore, it is critical to be getting enough folic acid before you even become pregnant. The 400 micrograms per day is recommended not only when you are pregnant, but for all women of reproductive age. Also, just because you eat a diet rich in folic acid does not mean that you should skip the supplement. Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin, so whatever your body does not use will simply be excreted in your urine.

While the research needs to be confirmed in other populations, this is something for all women to start thinking about. It is still quite provocative to think that a nutritional supplement has the power to reduce the risk of autism in the developing fetus. However, since women should be taking in folic acid anyway to reduce the risk of neural tube defects, it certainly cannot hurt.

A good rule of thumb for all women is to get a comprehensive health physical before trying to become pregnant. This will allow you to know your general health status, how good your diet really is and if you are lacking in any essential nutrients, especially iron, folic acid, calcium and vitamin D. If you do have a deficiency, then you can get this corrected before even getting pregnant so that once you do become pregnant you know that you have everything that your baby will need for healthy growth and development.