Losing Weight After Menopause: Quick Tips for Women

weight management after menopauseLosing weight is no easy task and this is especially true after menopause. The body goes through changes and your weight is one of these. However, you can lose weight after menopause once you know why you are gaining. It will not be as easy as it was in your 20s, but it is possible. In fact, many women achieve their highest level of fitness after going through the change.

Why You Gain Weight

Gaining weight after menopause is actually mostly related to your lifestyle and certain genetic factors. Now, if you do gain weight this is going to show most around your midsection due to hormonal changes. Your thighs and hips will not be nearly as affected as they were in your younger years.

Once a woman goes through menopause, she tends to reduce her exercise and activity level. Then, since you are getting older your muscles will start to diminish naturally. We know that muscle burns more calories than fat and it also gives you that nice toned look. If you are not working to replace the diminishing muscle, your body will begin to be taken over by the fat and you will not burn nearly as many calories. This, of course, can lead to weight gain.

In terms of genetics, look at the women in your family. If your grandmother, mother and older sister all seemed to gain weight after menopause, then your chances of gaining weight are increased.

Why Should I Work to Lose Weight After Menopause?

There are a number of reasons why you do not want to carry around extra weight after going through the change. Having extra weight, especially around your abdomen, increases your risk of Type 2 diabetes. Things like high cholesterol and high blood pressure can also occur, increasing your risk of stroke and heart attack. Other risks include breast and colon-rectal cancer. These are already more prevalent after menopause, but extra weight increases your risk even more.

How Do I Lose Weight After Menopause?

Contrary to the media, there are no magic pills or methods to help you get into shape. You will have to put the work in. Your first priority should be to get a full health physical from your doctor. You want to know what your overall health status is and make sure that exercise is safe for you. Once you get the go-ahead from your doctor, it is time to start moving more. Just walking 30 minutes a day, most days of the week can have a major impact on your health and weight. You also need to strength train. Remember that your muscles are diminishing naturally so you need to get them back and strength training is the only way to do this. Ideally, you will strength train every other day because your muscles do need a rest day in between workouts.

Next, is your diet. You want to eat as healthy as possible. This does not mean that you can never have a piece of birthday cake again, it just means that you cannot have cake every night. You want the majority of your diet to be lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Also, do not forget about water because dehydration is more common as you get older.

You may want to get together with some of your same-age friends and get a walking group together. This will help you to stay on track. You can also strength train together and exchange healthy recipes. Those that work out with a buddy tend to stick to their plan more than those who go it alone.