Latest Chick Flicks

Naughty Love Story

30 Beats movieGirls a new chick flick is out, it’s called “30 Beats”! It’s a love story of 10 New Yorkers, boys and girls falling in love or at least getting a little something, something. Lots of nudity, we like that and lots of crazy temptations. Some stars you may already love, Jennifer Tilly, and Justin Kirk (Andy from Weeds). The characters get caught up in triangles and twists in turns of estrange love. Your dream came true, this chick flick you can drag your honey to because of the nudity shots. The storyline is pretty good, so no yawns will appear in the seat beside you. And after the movie don’t expect to stay out; your honey wants to go home NOW!

Pharmaceutical God

Love and Other Drugs movieOh girls you have to see this chick flick, the best teary eyed, mushy romance of the year, Love and Other Drugs with swoon Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway. It’s the typical story of how the guy is the player until he meets his match Anne Hathaway. Anne plays the same fiddle, and only wants play the field. So she rejects Jake and hell breaks loose. Lots of tear-jerker moments and “OMG” I want that kind of love moments, too! This definitely not for the boys, girls only! Go alone or girlfriends night out, so you can critique after.

What to Expect

The Lucky OneHow about this flick with Zach Efron all grown up and looking hot, he’s in the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. He’s a photo of a girl and then gets blown up. No this is not a guy movie, but starts out as one for 2 seconds then it’s all for us girls.

Efron survives the bombing with only a few injures. Amazingly he still has the photo of the mystery girl. When he goes home, he’s determined to find the girl in the photo who he believes saved his life. It takes no time to find her and the story unfolds. Some drama, lots romance and hot sex! It’s all about the feelings you get when you start a new romance, temptation, and lots of chemistry. This definitely is a must see with your girls but expect to get teary-eyed.