Five Work Rules Every Woman Must Break

top work rules for womenSo many women see the keys to success as being on time every day, not getting emotional and keeping her head down and mouth shut. While this will allow you to keep your current job, it is not going to help you work your way up the career ladder. There are a few career rules that really no longer apply and should be broken by women who wish to get ahead.

Never Speak of Emotional Topics

Well, this was right in the 1980s, but now that women are gaining more and more recognition in the work place, it is perfectly acceptable to discuss more emotionally-charged topics. If you have an opinion you should make it known and do not be afraid to express exactly why you feel this way. This also applies to reigning in things that could potentially become a big issue in the future. For example, if you are in a position of power and make a decision that impacts everyone under you and this upsets a lot of people, you should allow them to express why this upsets them. Then, explain very honestly why you made the decision you did and be empathetic to their concerns.

Stay Put

Some women love what they do and do not want a promotion. In a society that seems to thirst for power, money and responsibility this is pretty much taboo. However, if you like where you are and prefer a more linear career path then stick with it. This will show that you have staying power and can commit to being the best at what you do. So, if you choose to change your mind and want a promotion in the future, staying put for now could actually work to your benefit.

Look at the Bigger Picture

While you will do your job, do not hesitate to look at your company as a whole. You may come up with something that could improve your company and how it does things. This is never a bad thing. Now, if you are slacking in your duties to do this, there will be a problem. However, as long as you are keeping up with your job then there is no rule that you cannot contribute to other areas of your company too. Just be careful not to step on toes. You want as many allies as possible if you are seeking to be promoted in the future. Having enemies will almost always come back to bite you.

Don’t Live at the Office

You can have a personal life and career success at the same time. Society knows that women are not one-trick ponies and that you have friends, family and other interests besides climbing the career ladder. 20 years ago, women were expected to give everything to their career if they wished to move up, but this is no longer true. Take a vacation, see your friends and attend all of your child’s school pageants because it actually looks better to bosses that you can juggle so many things.

Simplify Networking

Back in the day, constantly attending work-related functions and taking every opportunity to network was the key to women succeeding. However, social media has made this so much easier and you do not have to be networking 24/7 to succeed. Simple things like re-tweeting and quick coffee meetings are enough to show that you are serious about your career.