Dating Tips for Women that Actually Work at All Ages

working women and datingDating is a time where you are excited and feel reinvigorated. However, there are ways to make sure that your dating journey goes a bit smoother because you surely have had some relationships in the past that you would much rather forget about. Like most things in life, dating is a science and there are formulas to making it a more enjoyable experience.

Make Your Independence Known

Making it known that a woman has a life is a true turn on to men. Women who are waiting for a man to get their life started are just not that appealing. Men want to know that you will not need them 24/7 and that you can land on your own two feet. You want to make this known without appearing pushy or over-confident, so it is a good idea to work in the things you do into the conversation. There is no need to bluntly tell your date that you in fact have a life.

Be a Lady

Men want a lady to develop a relationship with. This means that jumping into bed right away will work against you. Many experts suggests waiting a month to do the deed. This gives both of you some time to determine if the relationship is something that could work long-term. Having sex too soon could give the false impression that a relationship is good when it really is not.

Little Things do Count

Men like to see little things that show you care. This is the same thing that women want and one of the most overlooked dating tips for women. This shows that you listen to him and pay attention to what is happening in his life. Now, this is little things. There is no need to go out and buy season tickets to his favorite basketball team, though this would surely get his approval. Guys will appreciate something like making their favorite snack when they are working late in the home office, remembering how they take their coffee or knowing their favorite drink.

Routine and Comfort

Men want comfort and routine. When asking the question, “what do men want in a relationship,” this is probably the most simple answer. This is not to say that they are not adventurous and fun, but when it comes to a relationship, they want to know their role so that they can do it well. For example, if you are in charge one week and then expect him to take the reigns the next, this will not work. In a good relationship, each partner has a role and these roles are respected and known by each partner. Men do not want their relationship to be like work, but more of a thing that allows them to relax and be happy.

Appreciate Him

Men want to be appreciated. Ladies, when you are compiling your best dating tips for women, be sure to add this to the top of the list. This does not mean that you have to praise every little thing, but men have egos and feelings and these need to be tended to regularly. For example, if the guy you are dating does something that you love, let him know. A simple “thank you” or other easy show of appreciation is plenty. No need to rent a billboard because he remembered that you like two sugars in your coffee.

Cat Calling – Intrusive or Flattering?

Let’s talk about cat calling. Almost every woman on this planet knows exactly what this is, but in case you are living under a rock and have been shielded from this Neanderthal inspired behavior, let me explain. According to Urban Dictionary cat calling is,

When a guy gives the wert whirl whistle or yells at a babydoll for the purpose of getting attention and in hopes of a future hookup. This is usually done out of the window of a car.

Or as you are walking down the street to an appointment  Maybe while you are waiting in line at the ATM or any other situation where you are suddenly caught off guard by some guy’s random, sexually charged praise about the way your ass looks or what he thinks you should plan to do with/to him.

Recently, a friend of mine posted on Facebook this eye-opening, funny video by Totally Biased w/Kamau Bell entitled Totally Biased: NYC Women Talk Cat Calling. Kamau interviews NYC women about the out-of-control cat calling and their reactions to this, dare we say, epidemic. To present both sides of the argument, Kamau also addressed the dudes known to offer their fair share of boisterous compliments.