Common Wedding Problems Solved

tips for perfect weddingThere are some problems that just always seem to crop up when you are planning your wedding. These are things that are often not thought too much about because there are more important things to consider. You want to know how to quickly solve these issues so that they do not escalate and cause even more problems.

Unwanted Guests

When you have a big wedding where everyone and their mom is invited, you are going to end up with a few people that you just do not want there for a variety of reasons. For example, if you have a distant cousin that wants to bring a boyfriend she has been with for a week, you probably do not want to spring for his dinner at the reception. So, say “no” but offer to take them out for drinks when you return from your honeymoon. This is a way to strike balance and still get what you want.

The Toast is Not Going Well

Once the toasts come up, some people are already a bit toasty and this could result in them saying things that are not the most pleasant. It is important to stay cool and just smile. They are toasting you because they truly care about you, so even if it does not come out right, just appreciate the gesture and move on.

Recycle Your Flowers

Your flowers are either going to be thrown away or they are going to fill up your house for a week. There are many places that will take them if you just arrange this ahead of time. Places like nursing homes and hospices will appreciate the fresh flowers so ask around for who would want them and how and when they will come to pick them up.

The In-Laws

Even though you just made a vow that included, “until death do us part” your in-laws may be less than thrilled. Some mother-in-laws are sad to see their son having another woman in his life. It is the ultimate letting go for a mom and you will experience this too if you have a son and he gets married in the future. Be empathetic to her and do not act like she is in the way. While you do not want her stopping by every morning, be sure to have her over for dinner once in a while so that she still has a place in her son’s life.

Thank You Notes

These are things that are often not done, but they are necessary. You can also use email or a quick phone call if you prefer. The key is to let your guests know that you appreciate their gift and presence at your wedding. Do it your way, but make sure it is sincere and timely. For example, plan to tackle this after you return from your honeymoon and not a year later. If you send out cards make sure that they are nice, quality cards and that each have a special message targeted at the person you are sending it to.