Spring Date Ideas that Work for Everyone

Ideas for perfect Spring datesSpring is just around the corner so it is time to start thinking about those springtime dates and how you will spend them with your significant other. With spring weather being sporadic in many parts of the country, you want to ensure that you have a variety of ideas lined up. With a little imagination and creativity, you can take advantage of the springtime weather.

Take a Walk

Not only is this free, but it will give the two of you some time to just chat. Trees and flowers are blooming, birds are chirping and more people are out and about. This is just a happier time of year and a time where you will want to stop and smell the roses, per se. In addition to taking a stroll, you can also plan a picnic at a local park and just enjoy the spring breeze and that freshness in the air.

Sit by the Fireplace

There are going to be spring days that are a bit more blustery than others. If you have a fireplace then this is a good time to turn it on and enjoy the warmth. If you do not, then head to a local cafe for a hot cup of coffee to warm up. Some local cafes also have fireplaces so that you can easily warm up and sit together. Some cafes are really cozy and allow you to find private spots so that you are not surrounded by people.

A Walk in the Rain

Springtime brings with it plenty of rainy days, but instead of focusing on the clouds, take advantage of the fact that the streets are going to be less busy when it rains. Grab some raincoats, rain boots and umbrellas and head out into the rain. You can window shop or head out for a walk in the rain. The cool, clean air is always refreshing and most people will be working to avoid the rain, leaving the parks and streets more empty for the two of you to enjoy.

Movie Day

There are going to be days where it is raining so hard that it is just better to stay inside and enjoy each other’s company. Grab some movies, some drinks and some popcorn and enjoy the dry indoors. If you still want to head out, then head to an afternoon movie. Most people do not go to the movies in the afternoon so you will have the theater almost to yourself.

It’s a Very Hot Day

There are going to be spring days that are very warm and you will want to be outside, but somewhere where you can keep cool. The nice thing about spring is that school is still in session so you can hit the beach in the early afternoon and it will not be too crowded. You can take a walk, have a picnic, lay out in the sun and enjoy the water without much interruption. The key is to go in the late morning and enjoy a few hours before it gets busy in the mid-afternoon.