Top 8 Foods to Not Buy Organic

choosing organic foodsOrganic food is the way to go these days, but there are some foods that you do not need to buy organic. Knowing what these are will help to save you money and will help you in choosing the healthiest option. Not all organic foods are better than their non-organic counterparts.


This fruit provides a big punch of nutrition, but getting them organic just does not make sense. Since the outer peel is so thick, any chemicals used in the growth process are not absorbed anyway. So, wash it well before cutting and you will be good to go. Your wallet will be happier too.


There are no current organic standards for seafood so there is no guarantee that an organic one will be any safer than a non-organic one. You just want to buy seafood that was obtained through sustainable practices and is low in mercury.


Almost all onions are free of pesticides whether they are organic or not, so there is no need to spend extra bucks on the organic label. Their flavor is too strong for most pests and they grow underground so there really is no need to spray them because pests will not bother with them anyway.


This is a really great, rice-like food that is packed with protein. It has become really popular recently because a lot more Americans are paying closer attention to their health. The thing is, the non-organic versions are very low in pesticides and many have none because growing this food just does not require it. Pests do not like the taste so they leave it alone, making it entirely possible to grow it pesticide-free. So, buy non-organic, give it a rinse before cooking and enjoy the savings.


You know that it is a pain to peel a pineapple. Well, be thankful for that hard, prickly shell because this means that agricultural chemicals are not absorbed either. Because of this, even if pineapples are sprayed with pesticides, they are not going to penetrate into the actual fruit. So, stick with non-organic.

Sweet Corn

This is a very low pesticide food and many tests have proven that corn pretty much always has no detectable chemicals. This goes for both frozen and fresh. Since corn can be a tad pricey, especially during the height of barbeque season, there is no need to spend even more by getting the organic version. Since you clean it anyway, the non-organic version is just as healthy.


This is another food that resists pests naturally so there are not many chemicals on it because it does not need them. Just peel off the out leaves, give it a rinse and enjoy. Most people discard the outer leaves anyway.


This refreshing summer fruit has a thick peel, so pesticides really cannot penetrate into the fruit. So, if you test the peel you will surely find a high dose of pesticides, but if you test the inner fruit, you will find little to none. So, when you buy this fruit, go non-organic and just peel before eating.

Five Tips to Save on Shopping

money saving tips when shoppingIn today’s economy there is no such thing as saving too much money. There are some ways to stretch your household budget without really sacrificing anything. These are more about critical thinking and less about doing without. Incorporating even just one of these will have a positive impact on your family budget.

You do not Always Need the Store

If it is something that you do not need right away then take the time to look for the item for free. For example, if you know you will need a new tree for the holidays, then look into getting one for free. You can often find one on those free community websites or you can find one at things like yard sales for a fraction of the price. The same goes for decorations. Other things you can often get really discounted or free are things like lawn furniture, home furniture, clothing and most home items. Since these items often carry a hefty price tag, finding them at a discount, or free, can save you a lot of money over the course of a year.

Consider Purchases in Advance

You can usually find coupons or other ways to save money by being a patient purchaser. You should also be on the lookout for sales when you are doing your regular shopping. For example, things like deodorant, shampoo and soap are things you will always need. Just because you have not run out yet does not mean that you should not buy these if you find a good deal. Whenever something you use regularly is on sale, you should pick it up. This is a great way to save quite a bit of cash over a year.

Make Substitutions

Just because you have been buying a particular brand does not mean that it is the only brand you will like. In fact, generic items really only cost less because the packaging and advertising are not there to jack up the costs like they are with name brand items. Most things like food items and toiletries can be bought in generic brands and they will be as good and work just as well as their name brand peers.

Make a List and Stick to It

Most people go to the store with items in mind that they need. However, they often leave with things that they really did not need. These unnecessary items can add up quickly and buying just one unnecessary item each time you head to the store can result in you spending at least hundreds per year that you did not mean to spend. Think about how far an extra $500 per year will go. Stop buying those unnecessary items and you will have several hundred bucks that you did not have before.

Shop at Multiple Places

Everyone has their favorite stores, but expanding your horizons could result in major savings. For example, use at least two grocery stores and compare their prices. Make your lists so that you get the items from the store that costs less. Saving just $20 a week is $80 per month that could pay a small bill or be put back for something fun at the end of the year.

Shopping Haul Videos – ‘Hot’ or ‘Not-so-haute’

“Why not show off if you’ve got something to show?”

haul video bloggersWell my wonderful shoppers, what do you think of this crazy trend that’s gaining huge popularity with the shopping masses in America- haul videos! For those of you who haven’t heard of it, it’s just a bunch of videos recorded and uploaded by a group of ‘generous’ shoppers who believe they have made the ultimate purchase and must share that valuable knowledge with the whole entire universe! Ranging from fashion accessories to home care products, the video basically consists of a single girl/guy describing what they bought and why!

“Vanity’s closet”

Now while this may seem like a nice way to review an appliance, I just don’t understand haul videos for clothes! Try watching one with a teenager who’s just returned from ‘Forever 21’ with a bag full of fashion industry’s worst mistakes. With no presenting skills whatsoever, she deliberately picks out each and every item she got and describes why it’s ‘just-so-awesome’ in the vainest way possible, that I literally want to shake her and yell, who cares! The ones with sensible women our age usually do a much better job of explaining their clothing choices.


Here’s what I have an issue with- this myriad collection of haul video bloggers, looking for 5 minutes of fame, sure aren’t any kind of experts right. So why would their conceptions and combinations appeal to me? More often than not, I find these videos a unique source of “what-not-to-wear”! And even if the clothes do accidentally end up being styled and paired well, how do I know it will fit me right when have a completely different complexion and characteristics. In all the time it takes to go through multiple hauls and find one that suits me best, I might as well go to the store and try the outfits on myself!

“Paltry plus points”

If these viral shopping videos have become such a huge thing, it must be doing something right. It’s probably the fact that hauls rarely have anything negative to say, with the assumption that people only buy things that they like. This opens an amazing alley for advertisements and the like. I also happen to like home décor’ hauls. It’s like having my very own interior decorator at no cost!

So what do you have to say about haul videos- productive or painful?

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

domestic violence awareness monthDid you know that one in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime? Did you know that an estimated 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year? Did you know most cases of domestic violence are never reported to the police?

These staggering facts and statistics are provided by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Domestic violence is a serious problem that affects not only the person being battered, but it affects the entire family and the community. Chances are you have known someone who has experienced an abusive relationship. Our Facebook page  has  a comprehensive fact sheet available for you, provided by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, to help women who may be in an abusive situation or have a family member who needs help.

Even if domestic violence has never touched your life supporting each other is essential to ending this violent epidemic in our country as well as globally. During the month of October we have the chance to help raise awareness and money for domestic violence organizations nationwide by doing simple everyday things like shopping. The following four companies have dedicated their resources and finances towards ending abuse. By purchasing certain products, you can help, too!


Source: via General Gazette on Pinterest

Empowerment of Support Circle Necklace
Price: $5.00
Donation: 100% of proceeds

Beauty Brands

Source: Uploaded by user via General Gazette on Pinterest

Redken Guts 10 Volume Spray Foam
Price: $7.98
Donation: 100% of proceeds

Mineral Fusion

Source: via General Gazette on Pinterest

Mineral Fusion Products
Price: Varies
Donation: a percentage of proceeds

Johnson Products

Source: Uploaded by user via General Gazette on Pinterest

General Treatment No-Lye Conditioning Creme
Price: $5.99
Donation: $1.00 per box sold