Winter Dry Skin: Cold Weather Complexion Protection

tips for winter dry skin treatmentsLower temperatures are related to dry, itchy skin. This is almost inevitable for every woman. However, you do not have to deal with the itching, cracking and dryness anymore. There are things that you can do to beat Old Man Winter and maintain your soft, healthy summer skin all year long.

Moisturize a Lot More

If you are moisturizing once per day like most people can get away with in the summer, then you need to step it up. It is not uncommon for a skin care routine to need to change with the seasons. For your face, you want to stay with an oil-free moisturizer, but with the rest of your body an oil-based cream or lotion can work to your benefit in the winter months.

Don’t Skip the Sunscreen

Just because the sun is not noticeably shining does not mean that it is not able to do some damage. Regardless of the season, you need to ensure that your skin is protected from the sun. While you will likely not have to do your entire body as you are probably covered up from the cold, you do need to make sure that any exposed areas, such as your hands and face, are well-protected.

Give Your Hands a Hand

Your hands dry out easier than other areas of your body due to the fact that the skin is thinner on them. When the weather is cold, it makes keeping hands moisturized even more difficult. One good tip is not to expose them. Wear gloves when you are outside to maintain some heat. You should also moisturize frequently. A good rule of thumb is to apply lotion or cream every time after you wash your hands. This will eventually become a habit and you will notice that your hands are far less dry.

Humidify Your Home

The lack of moisture in the air is exactly why your skin dries out in the winter. You cannot control the outside temperature, but you can control the temperature in your home. If you can only do one then put one in your bedroom at night. Your skin is repairing itself as you sleep so having a humidifier in your bedroom will be to your greatest benefit. Be sure to apply lotion or cream before bed and then sleep in a humid room. You will wake up with skin that is softer and healthier than when you went to sleep.

Skip Hot, Long Showers

When it is cold outside it is very tempting to take long showers with the hottest water that you can stand, but this is counterproductive. Hot water actually parches the skin and causes further dryness. You should limit your showers to 15 minutes maximum and then only use lukewarm water. You want the temperature to be comfortable, but as cool as you can comfortably stand it.

Grease Your Feet

Your feet, like your hands, need some extra love in the winter months. A good idea is to use a pair of cotton socks and petroleum jelly at night. This should be done after using a file or pumice stone to help remove calluses and excessive dry skin.