Good Seasonal Decorating Gone Bad

Earlier this week, I finally found some time to consider decorating the interior of my home for the fall holidays. Wanting to take it up a notch this year, I decided to check out some pins on Pinterest. With a wealth of ideas ranging from grandiose to simple and sweet, I felt that I could easily make my home look like a decorator’s show home. Ha! The joke was on me. Instead of a designer’s showcase, my Pinterest inspired creations had my fireplace mantle, front entry way and front porch resembling a rejected Design Star’s grade F project. What went wrong?

Here are the two projects I tried. I am showing you the professional images that you can find on our Fall Pinterest board. I refuse to show you my sub-par attempts.

Attempt One – Cute Candle Vases

I think the problem with my version is my vases are too plain and I refuse to light the candles with fake leaves so close to the wick.

Thanksgiving Decorations-Hurricane Vases #Thanksgiving

Attempt Two – Cute pumpkins with “BOO”

I think my fail here is that I used a dry erase marker to write the letters and didn’t take the moment to consider a fancier way to apply the letters. Also, I do not have a dream house mantle like this one.

Halloween mantel

Here is what I determined from my failed Pinterest attempts.

Reality Pinning is Not Reality At All

Do not get sucked into believing for a second that what you see on Pinterest was someone’s first, unblemished attempt. Chances are they tried and failed a dozen times before they were able to produce what they finally decided to show the public. I suppose patience would be the take away from this tidbit of advice. Have patience with yourself and eventually your craftiness may shine.

Some Crafts Are Just More Photogenic Than Others

Like people, some crafts take better pictures than others. For as many attempts a person has made to perfect their art to make it shine on Pinterest, there are many more attempts to get the perfect picture. I have slowly begun to realize that while the social pinboard provides great ideas for amateur crafters, decorators, stylists and, whatever other title you would like to bestow upon yourself  it is a community with an uneven professional to amateur ratio. For every one amateur craft or recipe you find on Pinterest, there will be ten more that are professionally produced by individuals making a living producing their craft.

My point? Treat yourself kindly. Consider the pin you are trying to duplicate as a suggestion. Feel free to change how you attempt to reproduce the t-shirt scarf or hand-print apron. Lowering your expectations just a bit may open up a whole new creative channel for you and produce something twice as good,unique to you and your creative talents.

Taking My Own Advice

The next time I decide to recreate a pin, I am going to give myself permission to not be perfect. Stressing out sucks the fun out of this wonderful social media tool. It also takes the fun out my household when my husband and children are subjected to foul language and flying objects. Yes, I think next time I need to take my own advice, chill out and let the results of my creative endeavors be what they will be.

Have you ever been disappointed by a craft or recipe you tried that you saw online?

About Denise McGrail

I am thrilled and blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of The General Gazette. Like so many women, I put off my dreams of being a professional, published writer for longer than intended in order to meet the more practical needs of my family. However, after much soul-searching, I realized I was doing a disservice to them and me by not following my dreams and my passions.

Why am I excited to be part of The General Gazette? Well, I am a woman who seems to flit and flutter from one thought to the next and I have a million ideas I am always eager to share. The General Gazette is a website intended for women of all ages, all incomes and all lifestyles. We don't limit our audience and, therefore, I will not limit the information I share with you.

Each day I will keep you guessing with fresh, thought-provoking articles! Happy reading!