10 Ways to Treat Acne Scars Naturally

naturally treat acneWhoever said acne was the worst thing possible, probably did not suffer from acne scarring. The reddish spots left behind can be a real nightmare for most of us.

Here are 10 ways to naturally treat acne scarring using ingredients that you can find in your kitchen or the nearest supermarket.

  • Applying a few drops of lemon juice on the desired area is one of the best known methods to lighten acne scars. Lemon has natural bleaching properties and hence can lighten scars and pigmentations easily.
  • Similarly, rubbing the pulp of a tomato too helps in reducing acne scars and minimizes pores. Remember that it is only the pulp that is effective and not the entire tomato.
  • Aspirin is a wonder drug for not just migraine but also acne. Crush two aspirin tablets and slowly add droplets of water to make a paste, be careful as adding excess water can make the paste runny and render it useless. Apply this paste all over your acne scars to get rid of both fresh acne and acne scarring.
  • Papaya, like tomato is rich in anti oxidants and can help to get rid of uneven skin tone, pigmentation and acne scars. Just rub a slice all over your face for 15 minutes and then let the juice stay on for another 5 minutes before rinsing off with cold water.
  • Neem leaves were used by ancient Indians in numerous skin healing and beautifying face packs. Crush a few neem leaves and apply the extracts directly on the desired area. If you can’t get hold of neem leaves, look out for neem oil that is as effective.
  • Microdermabrasion is a chemical procedure that helps to lighten acne scar. Baking soda helps in garnering almost the same result as a mild microdermabrasion session. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of water (keep an eye on the consistency and add a few more droplets of water if needs be) and stir to make a paste. Now apply this paste all over your acne scarring and scrub gently, the baking soda helps in exfoliating the upper layer of dead skin cells and reduce pigmentation.
  • Look for massage oils or lotions that are rich in Vitamin E as Vitamin E helps in lightening scars and imparting a healthy glow to the skin. Natural oils such as Almond oil, Olive oil, Cocoa Butter, flaxseed oil, etc are all rich in Vitamin E and serve as potent ingredients to lighten acne scars.
  • Mix a few drops of lemon with half a teaspoon of fresh cream and apply evenly on your acne scars. Let the paste stay on for 15 minutes and then wipe off with a cotton pad dipped in warm water.

One consideration that needs to be kept in mind is that while treating acne or acne scars naturally, you need to be patient and persistent. This is not a quick-fix procedure and it would take a few weeks before you start seeing drastic results.

About Mawra

My name is Mawra, a 23 year old who’s crazy about everything that spells either fashion or makeup! A journalist by profession and a Fashionista by passion, I have written over 2000 articles for popular magazines, celebrity hairstylists, makeup artists and fashion designers, I’m excited about being a part of The Gazette with news on Fashion hits and misses, celebrity scoop and offering tons of beauty tips I have up my sleeves.