Covert Ways To Tell If Your Man’s Cheating

unfaithful menIs your man cheating on you? Some are quite sneaky about it. They hide it well and some are quite ignorant about it. The ignorant cheaters leave signs all over.

The Cell Phone

Does he lock his cell phone? If he is locking the phone, without a doubt he has something to hide. The ignorant ones will lock it. Even leaving the cell phone unlocked does not mean he is not cheating. The smarter ones will learn how to erase text messages and calls if they want to leave the phone unlocked to play innocent.

The Bank Account

Does he grab the bank statement when it comes? Does he insist on handling all the bills himself? Both are actions, which require some serious thoughts on your part. If you are in a committed relationship, you should have an idea where the money is going. This is especially true if you are helping to make money, which goes towards the household. If you think, he is hiding something he most likely is. Do you really want to work overtime so he can purchase some other chick some sexy lingerie?

His Mood

Is he suddenly happier? Is he eager to get out the door to go do something by himself? If your intuition tells you that something is up, listen to it. If you have lived with him for a while then you know how his mood changes after he is laid, and he is in that mood although the two of you have not slept together in a while, he is cheating.

His smell

Is he buying new clothes or trying new cologne? Those are sure signs but also be on the lookout for other things. Does he suddenly smell like coconut shampoo? If you do not have that type in the house you share with him, he is showering elsewhere. Honey he is cheating.

Even if he does not smell freshly showered, there may be the smell of another female on him.  It might even be some other telltale sign such as a candle within her home or worse yet the smell of lube for sex toys.

Some men cheat. That is an unpleasant fact. Listen to your intuition and examine him a bit closer if you feel he is cheating. Chances are your institution is correct. Most likely you have done nothing wrong to cause him to cheat, some cheater just enjoy the thrill of the chase.
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About Amy Browne

An expert who shares insights to all aspects of relationships. She is the person coworkers, friends, and family come to when they need rock solid relationship advice for any situation.


  1. Linda Lansford says:

    be choosing good men don’t cheat

  2. My husband has never cheated on me but I would say, check his texts?!

  3. Caught them in bed with another person.

  4. he told me

  5. locking the cell phone….there is no reason to

  6. Jessica Carnaggio says:

    Nobody has ever cheated on me. (That I knew of).

  7. I never had to experience such a rotten thing.

  8. Anita Jones says:

    i found out through my brother-in-law and other people he worked with at the time.

  9. Enizete Lane says:

    Great giveaway! A little extra cash is always welcome….

  10. I have never ever had this happen to me!!!

  11. Make My day, please

  12. monica dillon says:

    my best friend told me that she was sleeping with my boyfriend that is how ifound out

  13. Ellen Levickis says:

    I did not know my ex was cheating on me until after I left him because I did not like how he was trying to control me. I don’t know if he was good at hiding it or I was just blind.

  14. Debra L. Guillen says:

    If you notice that he is getting protective and/or nervous when he gets calls or texts, it may be cause for alarm.

  15. Christine Waddell says:

    No husband, no boyfriend, no cheaters. I find this is the best way to deal with men in general.

  16. Carla Bonesteel says:

    The girl showed up at my house with him in the passenger seat of her car. I pulled her out of her car through the window by her hair and …..nevermind. It was pretty obvious what was going on.

  17. katherine d says:

    My ex was driving and asked me to send a text for him…..guess he forget his inbox was full of text messages between him and another girl.

  18. Amy Peschel says:

    To my knowledge, never happened.

  19. LOIS PAYTON says:

    I was married to a cheater and beater for 10 years and I ended that .,and the a very sweet man can in to my life and we were married for 30 years before cancer took him 2 years ago, SO THERE ARE GOOD MAN OUT THERE GIRLS,GOD BLESS AND KEEP YA’LL SAFE IN HIS LOVING ARMAS.

  20. no cheater for me but I have heard if they buy new clothes and new underwear that is a sign

  21. Thomas Murphy says:

    I have never had anyone cheat on me. If he is hiding his phone or email from you this may be a sign.

  22. I think if your boyfriend is distant, constantly lying to you, stops taking you out but still goes out with his friends, makes excuses, and isn’t being himself anymore then he is probably cheating on you.

  23. Never had a boyfriend cheat (that i know of anyway) but definitely keep your eyes peeled for any sudden changes in behavior. And if your significant other is becoming secretive, its a big ol red flag! Even if there is no cheating going on, there’s no need for secrets between spouses.

  24. Theresa Jenkins says:

    I married to have a partner ,so we do alot together and have a lot of friends …. and our friends our always tells us when ,where and with how they have seen the other

  25. Susan Franklin says:

    I was a very naive 21 year old bride.I was very trusting and loved him very much. We had 4 wonderfull children the youngest was 5. I was a stay at home mom and that is a full time job.We had a pool and I felt like I had all of the kids at my house When we married he was still in collage and had been for 5 years.His mother told him to come home because all he did was play bridge all day. I had a job at time and I told him if we married I would help him get his degree.I hired tutors and made and helped him do his studying.I do not have a collage degree but I knew more than he did. As I said I trusted him with all my heart. I believed he was an upstanding man. he got his degree and started to climb the ladder to success. We moved 21 times in 17 years and it was to a new and better job. He all ways left it to me to sell and the house and pack to follow him.After 19 years he was doing very well in his chosen profession. One day he told me he wanted a divorce he had met and been seeing a girl a girl 30 years younger. He told me he had never loved me. He said he only married me to finish collage.I did not have a good lawyer and he got everything and I did not even get spousal maintenance. I did not have a career and I had to get a job. I grieved for years. It broke my heart to have to leave my children to get themselves off to school.I had to be at work very early early. They all now very successful well to do people I never had the teen problems with any.My oldest Son supports and lives with me. I am in very poor health and cannot work and only have S.S to live on.He got old and had a stroke so she left him and really cleaned him out. She had a good lawyer.T here is a lot more to my story but I think this is enough