10 Things Every Woman Should Know

Important things women should learnWomen are no longer damsels in distress. So, why ignore certain aspects of your life? Women make their own money, lead independent lives and make choices everyday to support their lifestyles and well-being. However, especially women in relationships, sometimes feel there are certain aspects of their life that they don’t need to be in control of. Unfortunately, some of these situations are crucial for women to be more knowledgeable amount. Here are 10 things every woman, single or not, should know how to do.

Change a tire

There is nothing more frightening than to feel stranded. Picking up the phone and calling for help, whether it be from roadside assistance or a spouse, is perfectly fine. But sometimes the only help you may have is to help yourself. Changing a tire can seem impossible, but it is actually quite simple and empowering.

Car Maintenance

Knowing the mechanics of your car like adding fluids, installing a car battery and jumping a car are not secrets only car mechanics know. Learning how to perform minor maintenance on your car will save you time and money.

Read a Map

Yes, we live in a GPS world. But how many of you have been led to a dead-end by a faulty GPS. Reading a map is a lost art. Being lost can be frightening, but if you can read a map you will always be in control of your surroundings.


In a relationship, it seems that there is always one person who is in charge of the finances. If that responsibility does not fall to you, it is vital that you include yourself in money making decisions. If something were to happen to your spouse it is essential that you know how much money is coming in and where it goes when it leaves your bank account.

Track your Policies

This is the same as your daily household finances. Any policies you have such as life, homeowner or automobile insurance, you need to know the specifics of these policies. What is your deductible? How much am I insured for? The more you know the more in control of your life situation you will be.


No need to take a two-year tax certification course. Maybe your spouse takes care of this aspect or even an accountant. You don’t have to take over, but you should take an active interest in what you are paying. Online programs make this simple and quick. If you work with an accountant, schedule extra time so he or she can explain your deductions, taxes owed and any refunds you are getting.


A feeling of safety and security is essential. Enrolling in a basic self-defense class will give you the confidence you need in case you ever find yourself in a threatening situation. Self-defense classes can usually be found in every community and are reasonably priced. These classes teach you to rely on your own strength and less on old-fashioned self-defense tactics like pepper spray, which can backfire and put you in more danger.

Change a Light Bulb

I am not being condescending. I promise. Sometimes we forget to learn the simplest things. This leads me to my next thing to know.

Household Maintenance

There is nothing wrong with hiring someone to fix something for you. Sometimes you cannot fix a problem yourself. But paying someone $75 for a service call on your air conditioner to find out that a dirty filter is the problem can be a hard check to write. Learning to perform simple home fixes like changing an air conditioner filter, knowing where to turn off the water in case there is a leak or fixing a tripped circuit will save you money.

How to Drive a Manual (aka: stick shift)

I have to admit that I do not know how to do this. I never thought it was important, but there are still cars that do not have automatic transmission. There is nothing wrong with learning how to drive a manual. You never know when you may need this lost driving talent.

About Denise McGrail

I am thrilled and blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of The General Gazette. Like so many women, I put off my dreams of being a professional, published writer for longer than intended in order to meet the more practical needs of my family. However, after much soul-searching, I realized I was doing a disservice to them and me by not following my dreams and my passions.

Why am I excited to be part of The General Gazette? Well, I am a woman who seems to flit and flutter from one thought to the next and I have a million ideas I am always eager to share. The General Gazette is a website intended for women of all ages, all incomes and all lifestyles. We don't limit our audience and, therefore, I will not limit the information I share with you.

Each day I will keep you guessing with fresh, thought-provoking articles! Happy reading!