Converting With Green Products

Best green productsThere are many ways to make your home energy efficient and help save the environment. You can purchase appliances that use less energy, choose Eco-friendly building material, recycle and use green products in the home. By making these small changes you are helping eliminate greenhouse gases, which cause global warming.  You are saving money on your energy bills and making your home and planet healthier. This is called green home design with green products.

Your green home design can start with those small suggestions but what if you want to do more. As mentioned recycling is very important to a green home design, but using green products from recycled materials is even better. If you are looking to use Eco-friendly material in your home, a local home improvement store or builder can provide you with loads of information about incorporating these green products into your home.

Green Product Appliances

A green home design is not complete without using energy-saving appliances. There are many to choose from and most of your big-ticket items come with rebates. Refrigerators, ranges, washers, dryers or heating/air conditioning equipment with the Energy Star label are approved by the U.S. Department of Energy and the EPA.

Furniture can be refurbished instead of purchasing new items. You can find material to cover, paint and reupholster your old furniture  that are environmental friendly. Flooring can also be a part of your green home design. By using bamboo or cork, instead of traditional wood, you are saving trees that help keep our air clean. Bamboo and cork look amazing in homes and they are both durable for high traffic areas.

Dimmer switches have been always thought of as a way to create a mood in a room but now it is a great way to help save energy. They are simple to install and don’t cost much. New home builders can easily install dimmer switches and old light switches can easily be replaced.

You will see a lower electric bill when using dimmer switches. A lower bill means more money in your pocket and you are conserving our precious resources. A green home isn’t complete without the energy smart light bulb that can save $47 in energy per bulb. These energy efficient bulbs also promise longer use and come in a recyclable package. Green products for cleaning would be the final makeover for a green home.